
New Look!

Hey, everyone! My blog page has a new look! I got brave and decided to look for new templates (other than the ones they supply on blogspot). Well, I found this really great site: http://cutestblogontheblock.blogspot.com

These templates are free! There are a whole bunch of them - something for everyone! She asks that you give a shout out to her if you use one of the free blogs, so here is my shout out! Go check this site out if you're in need of a little facelift. It was easy to do - only took about 2 minutes.

IN OTHER NEWS: Coop slept in his big boy bed last night! Dave put him in there, covered him up, and he was asleep! However, as we speak, the nap isn't going so well. That kid. More Coop/big boy bed updates (and pictures) to come!


Katy said...

I love it! Awsome, I am going to give mine a face lift too! Poor Coopy! Actually I feel more sorry for you than him!

Colleen said...

Cute new look Ali...looks like a scrapbook page to me! I love keeping up the Kleinows LOL. And I'm loving the new music too. LOVE me some Fleetwood Mac!
Have a good day Ali!

Emma said...

I'm gonna try this out too. I love layouts! And I am not looking forward to putting Avery in a big girl bed lol.